Due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the Centre is still closed for drop-ins and visitors.
If you have any questions, or would like to book a phone appointment, please call us on 07849 522 259 or leave us a voicemail on 020 7221 8810, stating your query, name, and phone number.
A member of staff will then call you back from a withheld number. Please note that these phone lines are only monitored during working hours.
You can also reach us by email at reception@clementjames.org.
If you are coming for a class, the homework club or a pre-arranged appointment, please wait outside the gate until you are let in by a member of staff. You must wear a mask while you are on site unless you are exempt. If you do not have one, we will be able to provide one.
If you have any Covid-19 symptoms, such as a temperature or a continuous cough, please do not enter the site, return home and get a test.
We review the restrictions in half-termly blocks and we look forward to welcoming more students and clients back into the centre once restrictions allow. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.