This Is Me: Revitalisation – Virtual Exhibition

This Is Me is ClementJames’ annual themed exhibition. This year the theme is Revitalisation. We’ve had wonderful submissions from our ClementJames community. Please take a moment to have a look at the amazing artwork submitted!

Rebirth by Craig Johnson
Chalk pastels by Dayvid Grant
Love 1994 Spain
Self Portrait 1993 Spain
Small tapestry by Hufrish Taraporewala
The Essence of Life by Zakia Chowdhury
Creations by Gardening Group on their trip to
Kew Gardens
Revitalisation by King Sarkar
Avenue House photography by Yvonne Johnson
Refresh earrings made by Yvette Powell
The making of simple but basic earrings has encouraged and inspired me to progress further into my forming of jewellery and see it develop and this is revitalisation to me.
Let It Wash Over Me by Sinem Suphi
Through all my challenges I held on to the strongest relationship that is Life. My glass will always be overflowing, and I let the rest wash over me whilst allowing the water to continue to feed the universe with positivity and life. I AM me all thanks to my past.
Creations by Conversation Group & The Reader
Conversation Group
New Beginnings by Mel W
3 Little People
Summer Beginning & Winter Solace by Luz Mary Tune
Creations by West London Zone
Submissions from our This Is Me Collage Workshop

Clients came together to explore the theme of revitalisation further, creating beautiful collages and thinking about creative ways to upcycle materials, whilst learning new skills such as mood boarding and origami.

Zeny Gonzaga