Getting Literacy & Numeracy Catch-up Support at The ClementJames Centre

We will require confirmation from your young person’s teacher that they are working below expected levels in their subject ahead of starting sessions. When a referral mentions SEN, we have to ask for permission to contact your young person’s school in order to make sure that we have the right level of expertise to support them.

Our programme is currently in high demand. We cannot make guarantees about when we will start sessions, but we will be in touch when there is a space available.

If you are looking to refer a young person you work with for our Literacy & Numeracy Catch-up Support, please use our referral form here.

Getting Literacy & Numeracy Catch-up Support at The ClementJames Centre

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this enquiry form. If you need support filling out this form, please contact or give us a call on 020 7221 8810.

The Literacy & Numeracy Catch-up Programme offers 1:1 tailored support in either Maths or English to young people in years 3-9. Our sessions are specifically for students who are currently working below expected levels.

Please note:

This service takes place in-person at The ClementJames Centre, with the majority of sessions taking place Monday - Thursday after school.

This service is in high-demand. We cannot make guarantees about when we will start sessions, but we will be in touch when there is a space available.

Privacy Notice

Who We Can Support

If your young person does not fit our criteria but you would like our help to find an organisation who can support them, please contact or give us a call on 020 7221 8810.
Please be aware that we can only support residents who live in or who are housed in either Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith & Fulham or Westminster.
We also have criteria that clients need to meet to access support. At least one of the following means that your young person is able to access support at the Centre.

Please select any of the following that apply to you:

Young Person's Details

Your Details

Please provide details of your young person's emergency contact:

Travel Arrangements

Young Person's Educational Information

The following information will allow us to offer appropriate support to your young person. Please give as much information as possible as this information will be used to prioritise enquiries.

Some of the information enables us to track the number of people in the local area engaging with ClementJames' programmes and services. Collecting this information allows us to provide these for free.

Young Person's Educational Information Continued

Getting Support

Submit Your Form

When you submit this form below, you will be redirected to our online booking system where you will be able to book a Triage Appointment with an adviser to further discuss your enquiry. The adviser will then triage your young person to the 1-2-1 Catch-up Support service.

Thank you.