The ClementJames Centre has closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Although our doors are closed, we are still open online and over the phone. Here’s how you can get in touch:
Adult Learning Students
New students interested in lessons in English, Maths or ICT should email or leave us a voicemail on 020 7221 8810 with their name, contact number, and query and a member of the team will be in touch as soon as possible.
IntoUniversity North Kensington Parents and Students
Unfortunately we have had to cancel homework club, mentoring, and all other activities until further notice. We are hoping to offer some online support in the near future and will be in touch about how this will work. For any questions, please contact
Employment and Advice & Guidance Clients and Literacy & Numeracy Students
We are offering online and telephone support where this is possible, so please get in touch with your advisor. If you are new to the centre, please email the following:
– For Employment Support, please email
– For Advice & Guidance, please email
– For Wellbeing, please email
– For Literacy & Numeracy, please email
Phone calls will be scheduled during working hours and phone calls for these appointments will not have any Caller ID.
For any other queries, please email or leave us a voicemail on 020 7221 8810 with your name, query, and number and we will call you back from a withheld number.
We are constantly monitoring this situation. Please keep an eye out for further updates by email, on our website and noticeboard, and social media channels.
Twitter @ClementJames
Instagram @theclementjamescentre
Facebook /theclementjamescentre