Our Partners

The ClementJames Centre works with many schools, as well as companies and organisations, who provide a range of support for our students and clients.

We work especially closely with IntoUniversity and the Parish of St Clement and St James.


It was at The ClementJames Centre that the IntoUniversity education programme was first piloted, and the scheme saw such success with children and young people from the local community that we decided to launch the programme as a charity in its own right in 2007. The IntoUniversity North Kensington team work with hundreds of local students every year, and the scheme continues to grow. Find out more about our sister charity IntoUniversity and its growing network of education centres across England.

The Parish of St Clement and St James

We work closely with The Parish of St Clement and St James who generously provide our beautiful premises. The ClementJames Centre can be understood as part of the social mission of the church that reaches out beyond its faith and congregation to support anyone seeking help, bringing together the wider community within the parish. This partnership is reflected in the strong and vibrant relationship that flourishes between both organisations: The Vicar and some parishioners are ClementJames Centre trustees and volunteers, and in turn some Centre users have joined the congregation.