Releasing potential in the community


Our vision is for everyone in our community to release their potential and live fulfilled lives. We achieve this through education, employment and wellbeing support in a safe and compassionate space:

We help people to gain meaningful and sustainable employment through personalised advice and support, mentoring and work skills activities.

We support adults to improve their English, Maths and ICT skills through a wide range of Functional Skills courses and intensive Literacy & Numeracy support.

We help children and young people to learn, flourish and achieve their potential through academic support, mentoring, Literacy & Numeracy support and aspirational activities.

We empower people to overcome barriers and challenges and to engage with their own wellbeing.
We provide Information, Advice and Guidance, and wellbeing activities.

Releasing Potential in the Community

Find out what ClementJames is all about in this short film.

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Our Impact

The impact of our work helps our students and clients to improve their lives through better English skills, improved school grades and gaining employment. Over the last five years:


of our young people and adults secured training opportunities or employment 


of our Year 13 students achieved a university place


of our adult learners on accredited English courses successfully passed their exams


of children receiving literacy and numeracy support significantly improved their literacy and numeracy levels

Our Centre in the Community

Located in North Kensington, The ClementJames Centre was established in 1981 to support local people to release their potential and live fulfilled lives.