Finding yourself in debt or financial difficulty can be a frightening experience which can leave you feeling lost, not knowing which way to turn – we are here to help.
Crosslight is a local charity that has been helping people struggling with debt since 2009. We understand the anxiety that financial difficulty can bring and will do all that we can to support you.
With your commitment, our goal is to help get you back on your feet by…
Helping you deal with the immediate crisis
Whether you’re facing action because of rent arrears, being threatened by bailiffs, or struggling with other bills and debts, we will advise you on the most appropriate strategy.
Giving you the tools to manage your money
Most of us struggle to manage our money well, and so we will give you the tools to help you budget and manage your money better.
Providing you with ongoing support
Financial difficulty can be caused by many things, some of which seem out of our control. We will do all that we can to support you as you deal with any wider causes of your ongoing situation.