Dear friend and seeker, welcome to this guided meditation. Our intention is to help you access and be present to the well of peace that resides within you.
Find a place to sit or lay comfortably where you are fairly sure you will not be disturbed for the next 20 minutes. Please note that in meditation, especially as a beginner, it is the nature of the mind to wander and your mind will most likely wander. This is ok and indeed part of the practice of meditation is learning how to bring your mind back to a central focus of attention. Try not to judge yourself, try not to get annoyed. It is this very practice of returning the mind to its focal point of attention that improves and trains your mind to be still. Are you ready?
We shall begin.
Be aware of the space around you. Bring your attention to the contact of your body with the surfaces you are sitting or laying upon.
Bring your attention gently to your breath. Focus your attention on the gentle rhythm of the breath as it enters and exits your nostrils. Rest your attention there.
If the mind wanders, bring it back to the entrance of the nostrils and the movement of the breath. Allow your body to let go of its tension and its woes as you focus on the rhythmic movement of your breath.
Now slowly begin to notice the gentle rising and falling of the chest as you breathe. No need to attempt to change the breath or hold the breath. Just be present to it. Notice its movement from the chest to the abdomen. Return your attention to following the path of the breath.
And now, in this state of calm, I want you to visualise a light emanating from the centre of your chest. It can be a candlelight, it can be the light of the sun but it is located in the centre of your chest and rises and falls with the rhythm of your breath. Focus on it. In your own time, expand this light. Feel its warmth as it expands to every part of your body, radiating outwards. It is expanding to cover your feet, your ankles, your calves, your thighs, and your hips. It is travelling to cover your entire body. Know that the light is life-sustaining. It is healing, it is bringing you into the present moment and has a rhythm aligned to your breath. Focus on your breath as it is married to the light.
The light radiating from you is healing every cell in your body. Focus the light where you believe you need it most. Notice how it moves as you breathe. Notice the warmth it is bringing to your limbs and to your heart. If the mind wanders, that is fine. Bring your attention back to the breath and back to the light.
Return your attention to the breath and to the light. In your own time, expand the light further and further into the world emanating from you. Observe your light becoming brighter and brighter as it expands, touching all around you, healing all around you and bringing you peace, stillness, and calmness. If the mind wanders, gently bring it back.
Your light is always shining and always with you. Continue to focus on the breath. Bring your attention to the light emanating from your chest and expanding out into the world. In your own time, focus on sending your light, your love, your peace, your calm to someone or somewhere or some animal or some living being that needs your love and your light. Imagine yourself, see yourself standing before them, offering and sharing your light emanating from every part of your being. Focus on your breath and the movement, the rhythm of the light in line with your breath.
Feel the love radiating from your heart that is manifest as light. Return your full attention to the rhythm and the path of the breath. Now that your light continues to shine in every moment of your being, return your attention to the space around you. Return your attention to the sensations of your body in contact with the surfaces you are sitting or laying upon. Return your attention to the room and simply notice. without judgement, how you are feeling in this moment. Connect with that sense of gratitude and peace.
Thank you for joining me, dear seeker and friend. Peace and love in every moment of your being.