Unfortunately this event is now fully booked. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you would like to stay informed with upcoming wellbeing events at ClementJames, please email wellbeing@clementjames.org and ask to be signed up to our wellbeing newsletter.
Our annual Women’s Self-Care Day will be taking place on Thursday 16th May at ClementJames from 9:30am – 2:30pm.
ClementJames’ Women’s Self-Care Day is an annual event which brings women together for a day of being pampered, learning new skills, engaging with creative activities and relaxing workshops, all centred around the theme of Self-Care.
This year, we are offering a Poetry Writing workshop and a Yoga session delivered by WeStart and Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service, as well as a range of information stalls, treatments and interactive activities, provided in collaboration with a range of local organisations. These include hand massages with The Body Shop, Henna and much more!
The course is open to female identifying residents who..
- Live in Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster or Hammersmith and Fulham
- Meet the ClementJames eligibility criteria (are in receipt of benefits and/or living in social housing, children receive free school meals, or receive an income of less than £25,000)
If you have any enquiries about this event, please contact wellbeing@clementjames.org